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About The Big Five Personality Traits

A science-based approach to describe personality in detail

The Big Five personality traits paint a broad picture of human personality. Openness measures creativity and new experiences; Conscientiousness indicates organization and reliability. Extraversion highlights sociability; Agreeableness reflects empathy and cooperation. Finally, Neuroticism relates to emotional stability, with higher levels indicating more frequent negative emotions. These traits combine to form a nuanced view of an individual's character.

  • Extensively researched

    Many reputable studies have confirmed the validity of the model.

  • Practically applicable

    The Big Five personality traits have many useful applications in everyday life.

More about the Big Five

Your benefits with BigFiveExplorer

We will create your personal Big Five personality profile and give you insights in your personality you never got before.

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Personal profile

With the help of a scientific questionnaire a precise personality profile is generated. You will gain deep insights in your personality.


Digital Guide & AI Coach

To get the most out of your personality profile, your digital guide Ethan accompanies you, making the results easy to understand and applicable to everyday life. The digital coach challenges you every week with a personal development task.


Regular new impressions

Continuous research is being conducted in connection with the Big Five. BigFiveExplorer constantly monitors these studies and evaluates what they mean for people with your profile.

Most frequently answers and questions

What is and how does it work? is an online platform offering a digital questionnaire designed to assess the Big Five personality traits: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. Upon completion of the questionnaire, users receive basic insights into their personality traits for free. For a more detailed analysis, including a comprehensive digital report and additional subcategories of each trait, users can opt for the Pro version. The questionnaire is based on psychological research and provides users with a valuable tool for self-understanding and personal development.

What are the differences between the free version and the Pro version of

The free version of offers basic insights into your Big Five personality traits, giving you a general understanding of your personality profile. In contrast, the Pro version provides a more in-depth analysis, including a detailed digital report that breaks down your personality into further subcategories. This comprehensive report offers a deeper insight into your personality, helping you to understand the nuances of your character. The Pro version is ideal for users seeking a more thorough and detailed exploration of their personality traits.

How can I trust the results provided by is built on the foundation of psychological research and the well-established Big Five personality framework. Our questionnaire has been carefully designed by experts in psychology to ensure accuracy and reliability. Additionally, we continuously update and refine our tools to align with the latest research in the field of personality psychology. While no online tool can replace a professional psychological assessment, offers a credible and insightful way to explore your personality traits. Users are encouraged to use the insights as a guide for personal growth and self-reflection.


Thoughts and content around the Big Five

Understanding Personality: Why the Big Five Model Outshines Myers-Briggs

In the vast expanse of personality psychology, two models have emerged prominently in the public eye: the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Big Five personality traits. While both offer intriguing insights into human personality, scientific scrutiny and research have consistently favored the Big Five as a more reliable and valid model. This blog post […]

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Boosting Productivity with Big Five Extraversion Traits

In the realm of workplace dynamics, understanding and utilizing the Big Five personality traits, with a particular focus on extraversion, can significantly enhance team performance and individual job satisfaction. Extraversion, a key dimension in the Big Five model, manifests differently in introverts and extroverts but offers unique strengths that, when combined, can create a balanced […]

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Unlocking Your True Potential: The Superiority of Big Five Over DISG

In the landscape of personality assessments, the distinction between scientifically grounded tools and those less anchored in empirical research is crucial for achieving genuine self-understanding and growth. The Big Five model, with its roots deeply embedded in extensive scientific research, stands as a beacon of reliability and depth in personality assessment. This exploration underscores the […]

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